Sunday, January 27, 2008

What Might Have Happened in N.C.

Talking Points Memo highlighted penned by John Avavosis which notes that both Obama and Edwards began to rise at the end of November, suggesting that Hillary did something to piss voters off.

And I think it may be this - Hillary Clinton's interview with Katie Couric on November 26, 2007. You can watch it at that link.

It's the one where this exchange occured:
"If it's not you, how disappointed will you be?" Couric asked.

“Well, it will be me,” she said.

But she said she would stand behind any other Democratic nominee, if it came to that. “We're going to have unified party, behind whoever we nominate.”

Clearly, she has considered the possibility she won't be the nominee?

"No, I haven't," Clinton said.
Wow. Wouldn't it be nice if that was it?

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