Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama's VP Short (rather long) List

Apart from this list below, I heard suggested….Al Gore! (That would really be sticking it to Hillary)

16 names (not in this order of importance or likelihood; and notably with Chuck Hagel not on the list)

1. Hillary Clinton,

2. John Kerry,

3. John Edwards,

4. Evan Bayh,

5. Kathleen Sebelius,

6. Ted Strickland, Ohio, Clinton guy (lengthy discussions)

7. Mark Warner,

8. Tim Kaine,

9. Jim Webb,

10. Bill Nelson,

11. Jack Reed,

12. Joe Biden, (lengthy discussions) oh I would love this.

13. Chris Dodd,

14. Tom Daschle, not going to happen

15. and Sam Nunn.

16. Ret. Gen. James Jones (lengthy discussions)

So here's the link to MSNBC's First Read
So you think you know who's on Obama's veep short list? Well, think again. According to sources on the Hill, Obama veep vetters -- specifically Jim Johnson and Eric Holder -- have been asking Dem members of Congress this week their input about potential running mates. The conversations are free-flowing but one name the vetters are inserting in the conversations is one that is not a household name... Ret. Gen. James Jones, the former Marine-turned-NATO Supreme Allied Commander.
Ambinder offers some caveats to Chuck Todds list at MSNBC-
I trust Chuck Todd's sources better than my own, but I'm hearing that the list of names he's floating is a bit narrow... and that Johnson and Holder discussed a variety of different names.. at least three former military officers, one of which was, as Chuck as, Ret. Gen. Jim Jones.... Also, several of the names on Todd's list were brought up by the Democrats who were asked, not necessarily by Johnson and Holder. One Hill source who has been reliable in the past says that his/her boss was specifically asked about Sen. James Webb. In general, I shouldn't, and you shouldn't, read too much into this early Galivanting-Sans-Caroline Kennedy. If history is any guide, most of the names floated are courtesies, and a large number of short-listers don't show up in the first round.
To participate in a fun, you can complete a VP Madness bracket and make your picks here at Congressional Quarterly. I've made mine!

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